Extracurricular Activities

Extracurricular Activities 3 to 11 years

Afters school during weekdays and Saturdays, Les Petits Lascars offer a selection of extracurricular activities. Our programmes aim to inspire, engage, and empower your child, fostering their overall development in a fun and supportive environment.

Participating in an extracurricular programme offers numerous benefits, including:

  • Providing a healthy balance between school and leisure time
  • Enhancing academic progress
  • Developing imagination and creativity, personal expression, and an array of new skills
  • Improving psychomotor and physical abilities
  • Strengthening social and interpersonal skills, and making new friends
  • Boosting self-confidence

All while having fun.

Our programmes include:

  • Artistic and cultural activities
  • Sports activities
  • Language support activities
  • Science / STEM activities
  • School support / Homework assistance

French Support (FLAM) 3 to 11 years

The French Support classes (FLAM) are designed for native French-speaking children attending local or international schools. These classes aim to facilitate specific language learning and maintain a connection with French culture.

To optimise progress, classes are organised in small groups according to age and level, one to five times a week, either after school on weekdays and/or on Saturdays.

The FLAM programme, initiated by the Agency for French Education Abroad (AEFE) in 2001, aims to provide native French-speaking or bilingual children to benefit from specific French language teaching and exposure to French culture. Our FLAM programme is the only one recognised by the AEFE in Hong Kong.

Our FLAM classes are in line with the "Mastery of Language" domain of the French National Education curriculum.
Depending on the age groups, we cover the following skills:

  • Oral language proficiency (listening comprehension, oral expression, vocabulary building, proper syntax)
  • Written language proficiency (reading comprehension, writing abilities)
  • Reading (phonology, reading aloud)
  • Spelling, grammar, and conjugation

The discovery and exploration of French culture through nursery rhymes, songs, stories, poems, and activities related to traditional French festivals also forms an integral part of our programme.

  • Children grouped by age and level
  • Small class size (4-8 children per class allowing greater interaction)
  • 1.5-hour or 3-hour classes, on weekdays and/or Saturdays
  • 1 to 5 sessions per week
  • Home-based lessons are also available
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